The buyer/student, for himself/herself, and/or on behalf of the member, understands that any martial arts, kickboxing or any exercise program undertaken may create physical stress resulting in harmful effects and assumes such risk. The buyer/student, for himself/herself, and/or on behalf of the member, agrees that it is solely his/her responsibility to consult with a physician prior to commencing any exercise program, to remain under medical supervision if that is indicated, to seek medical assistance in the event of any injury, and to inform Cervizzi’s Marital Arts Academy, CMAA inc., LJC inc., of any adverse change in medical condition. The buyer/student certifies that he/she has been urged to consult a physician about any special condition which would make the member unusually susceptible to injury and immediately advise Cervizzi’s Martial Arts of such condition in writing. The buyer/student certifies that he/she knows of no physical condition that would make the member unusually susceptible to physical injury.
Photo release: I hereby give Cervizzi’s Martial Arts, LJC INC., CMAA INC., it’s staff, management and organization the absolute right and permission to publish, copyright, and use any and all pictures or video of me, in any media content, in which I may be included in whole or in part, composite or retouched in character or form, in conjunction with any Cervizzi’s Martial Arts activity. If the person photographed is under 18, I certify that I am his or her legal guardian and give my consent without reservation to the foregoing on his or her behalf.
Any Martial Arts/kickboxing/exercise program involves physical contact to both persons and training objects and there is a risk that injury may result. While understanding this risk, the undersigned student and/or parent assumes the risk of injury and assumes responsibility for his/her own safety. In consideration of receiving martial Arts/kickboxing/exercise instruction, the undersigned student/parent does for himself, his heirs, his executors, and administrators waive, release, discharge, and hold harmless Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy, LJC, Inc., CMAA Inc., its owners, officers, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and/or assigns, and any other persons or entity associated with such instruction from and against any and all damages, injuries, losses, or expenses arising from, but not limited to, the participation in martial arts/kickboxing/exercise instruction, the action or omission of any of the above representative, or the use and/or publication of any pictures, photos or video or website reproductions and the transportation of student to and from all existing and future locations. I also give permission for my child to leave the karate premises for any karate school related event. The undersigned student/parent, in addition to acknowledging and executing the above waiver, agrees to indemnify Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy, LJC, Inc., CMAA INC., it’s owners, officers, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and /or assigns, and any other person or entity associated with such instruction, for any damages sought by said student or on behalf of said minor. Full contact karate/kickboxing is strictly prohibited and only light tag contact is allowed. Protective equipment must be worn at all times during sparring.